
Thursday, June 23, 2011

ST. Alban's Anglican Church Congregation Walks out of Historic Church

Sunday will mark the final poignant day of worship for the congregation of St. Alban's Anglican Church. The leadership of the church was sued by the Diocese of Ottawa in May of 2010. To avoid going to Court, a mediated settlement was reached.

This settlement involves a division of assets, but the 146 year old congregation had to agree to give up its name, and the Diocese would get the building.

Sir John A MacDonald, Canada's first Prime Minister, attended the church in its early years.

In the United States, when the Dioceses of Pittsburgh and Fort Worth left the denomination, they allowed parishes who wanted to stay in the American branch of the Anglican Church to keep their assets and separate gracefully. While the parish is relieved that it did not have to engage in a lengthy legal battle, they believe the Diocese of Ottawa should have followed the gracious examples of Pittsburgh and Fort Worth.

"We know that this can be a hard issue for people who are not Christians to follow. But for Christians, the issue is not the blessing of same sex marriages by the church. The issue is whether Jesus Christ is Saviour and Lord and whether the Bible is authoritative in the life of the Christian." said the Rector George Sinclair.

"There is obviously some sadness that we will be leaving the building, but we intend to continue to proclaim the gospel in the neighborhood with grace and gentleness. We consider it an honour to give up a building for Jesus. We are looking to the future with optimism and hope."

To read more, click here.

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