
Friday, June 03, 2011

UECNA Archbishop Peter Robinson: Condemnation of Anglican orders by Rome is political"

The current condemnation of Anglican Orders is largely political in origin and could be voided on the pretext of subsequent Ultrajectine participation in Anglican consecrations, according to Archbishop Peter Robinson of the United Episcopal Church of North America.

(Ultrajectine thought holds to the words of St. Vincent of Lerins: "We must hold fast to that faith which has been held everywhere, always, and by all the faithful." Ultrajectine thought rejects papal infallibility and holds to the belief that only the Church in Ecumenical Council may speak infallibly.)

In an address made available to the Congress of Traditional Anglicans in Victoria, BC, Robinson noted that the recent fiasco over the ordinariates has demonstrated that a reversal of Rome's stated position on Anglican orders is not going to occur to satisfy the relatively small numbers of Anglo-Papalists joining the ordinariates.

"I have absolutely no doubts about the validity of Anglican Orders. Our ordinal, even in the form set forth in 1559, is perfectly sufficient for the proper transmission of Holy Orders in that it contains the name of the order to which the candidate(s) is to be ordained, appropriate prayers, the laying on of hands, and the invocation of the Holy Spirit - all within the context of the Eucharist. This is all that is required according to the Biblical and Patristic witness, and sufficient to ensure the proper transmission of Orders and of the apostolic Succession," continued Robinson.

The archbishop remarked that the Roman refusal to recognize Anglican Orders boils down to a manifestation of the "not made here" syndrome. Because the Anglican Church came about, in the opinion of Rome, with an act of open defiance of the Pope, its orders must be regarded as invalid in order to reduce us to the same status as the other churches of the Reformation.

To read more, click here.


  1. What? The Church of England is on some higher level than the Presbyterians, Lutherans, Swiss Reformed, Dutch Reformed churches????? Please. The Church of England is Protestant. It's not some via media between the synagogue of satan and the Protestant Reformation. This article only proves Robinson to be the dissimulator and false prophet he really is.

  2. And that would be entirely your opinion, Charlie.

  3. Steve, I've never expressed an opinion that wasn't mine:)

    Be that as it may, there are others who share my opinion, albeit in a less confrontational way.

    Try reading the 39 Articles for what they say in plain writing rather than reading your Tractarian views back into them.


  4. I don't have tractarian views. But when you call the leader of my denomination a heretic, I'm going to respond.

  5. Steve, no Bible believing Anglican would dare call himself "father". How you can claim you're not a Tractarian is beyond me.

    Furthermore, your bishop is at best Arminian and at worst a high church Tractarian. Either way even Arminianism is a heresy condemned by the Synod of Dort.

    I would not recommend your denomination or your bishop to anyone.


  6. Charlie, I wouldn't recommend you.

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Jesus is Lord of us all.

    May His Name be honored by all we think, say and do.

  8. There is only one Gospel. May all who believe it rebuke liars, dissimulators, and false prophets.

    Galatians 1:6-9

    Sola Scriptura
    Sola Gratia
    Sola Fide
    Solus Christus
    Soli Gloria Deo

  9. Charlie, using Latin....i think that's a bit to Romanish.
