
Monday, June 27, 2011

Understanding Servant Leadership

How do those two words go together?

There are many examples of leadership in our world. There are military leaders who make the tough decisions on where to send troops. You have the President and congress, who give leadership to the country by writing and passing laws in an effort to represent their constituents. And we can't forget those brave individuals who provide leadership to children as teachers and administrators in our nation's schools.

Those are just a few examples of how leadership is represented in our culture, but they all share a common denominator: they are authority-based. Those individuals have the influence they do because of election, appointment, hierarchy, or climbing the leadership ladder.

However, when it comes to how small-group leaders can live out Jesus' teachings on leadership, the examples our culture provides are found wanting. That's because when Jesus taught on the subject of leadership, he brought a new paradigm—one of leadership not based on authority, but rather service.

To read more, click here.

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