
Saturday, July 02, 2011

Church of England bishops to review teaching on homosexuality

Church of England bishops say they have temporarily barred priests in civil partnerships from being appointed as bishops.

The statement Friday from the House of Bishops said a review of civil relationships would be completed next year and a broader review of the church’s attitude toward homosexuals is to be published in 2013.

The Right Rev. Graham James, the bishop of Norwich, says bishops have devoted little time to the issues of homosexuality since they issued a statement in 2005, though deep disagreements the issue have strained the global Anglican Communion.

The Church of England’s policy is that gay male priests who are celibate are eligible to become bishops, though no openly gay candidate has been advanced to a bishopric.

The temporary ban on promoting priests in civil partnerships would exclude a number of clergy including the Rev. Jeffrey John, the dean of St. Albans, who has been considered for advancement twice and rejected both times.

The church is still debating whether women, gay or not, can become bishops.

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