
Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July: America, the exceptional nation

America has been blessed by God in unique ways -- we are not just another country, but neither are we God's special people. I do not believe that America is God's chosen nation. God established one chosen nation and people: the Jews. We are not the new Israel. We do not have "God on our side." We are not God's gift to the world.

America does not have a special claim on God. Millions of Americans do, however, believe God has a special claim on them -- and their country.

America has been blessed in manifold ways. When you look at our resources, our protection by two oceans, our standard of living, can you argue that America has not been uniquely and providentially blessed? The natural resources that lie within the confines of our borders are without parallel anywhere in the world: not just rich, arable land, but vast resources of iron, coal, and oil under the ground. We didn't put them there; we were just led to the place where they were.

We have had the opportunity to enjoy them and to benefit people around the world with them....

To read more, click here.

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