
Friday, July 22, 2011

Global Petition Launched to Save Pakistani Christian Woman on Death Row

A global petition drive to stop the execution of a Pakistani Christian woman who was sentenced to death on blasphemy charges was launched this week by a Christian persecution watchdog group.

Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) joined an existing petition drive that already collected more than 150,000 signatures from Christians in Pakistan to plead for the life and release of Asia Bibi, 45, a wife and mother of five.

If a current appeal of her case is rejected, Bibi would be the first woman to be executed under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Her death sentence was handed down nine months ago. She has been in prison for two years since the initial blasphamy charge.

Bibi was arrested by police on June 19, 2009, and charged with blasphemy after she engaged in a discussion about her Christian faith with co-workers. She is currently confined to a prison cell near Faisalabad, according to VOM.

Pakistan law number 295 prohibits citizens to criticize Islam, the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, or the Quran. The U.N. recently passed a resolution that protects individuals from blasphemy laws like 295; however, it is unclear whether the new resolution will have an impact on Bibi’s case.

Bibi had worked with local women on a farm that is run by Muslim landowner Muhammad Idrees, according to VOM. The Muslim women told Bibi about Islam, and, according to VOM sources, Bibi responded by telling the Muslim women about Jesus.

To read more, click here.

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