
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Global Warming: Harsh Reality Strikes America

An in-depth report about how weather convinced scientists and public

The storms keep coming and scorching temperatures are still rising leaving most Americans scratching their heads questioning whether or not all the talk about global warming just might be true. There are more Americans today that believe global warming exists and is causing the recent extreme weather, increased number of deadly illnesses, and rising sea levels.

One recent study conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows most voters (59 percent) now believe in the term “global warming” and that it is a serious problem.

The report comes as the earth continues to sizzle with soaring temperatures and unprecedented drought plaguing most of the nation.

Global warming is one of the most debated issues of modern times, but there are still 37 percent of Americans that still do not think climate change is a serious issue. The scientific community hopes to quickly change their minds.

The findings in the Rasmussen Reports are in stark contrast to Gallup's annual update on Americans' attitudes toward the environment reported in 2010.

Gallup’s poll last year showed that the public was less worried about the threat of global warming, less convinced that its effects are already happening, and more likely to believe that scientists themselves are uncertain about its occurrence.

To read more, click here.

Related article:Fasten your seatbelts, there’s turbulence ahead

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