
Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Potter Theology, the Bible and Witchcraft

Danielle Tumminio, a Yale University lecturer who teaches “Harry meets the Bible” and Episcopal priest recently spoke with CNN's Kyra Phillips about the connections between the "Harry Potter" series and faith. She describes witchcraft as a gift that can be used for good or evil. The Potter series according to Danielle, is said to teach "good" witchcraft and guides us to ask questions of ultimate meaning.

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" broke box office records for a midnight opening Thursday, hauling in $43.5 million according to Warner Bros. Pictures. There is nothing any will write that will stop the latest film from becoming another huge financial triumph ... but please do not interprete this blog to mean you need to discover why for yourself. I admit if it helps to see my bias that I have not watched any Harry Potter Film and will not recommend it to any. J.K. Rowling in the Potter Chronicles, no doubt provides an unsurpassable educational, entertainment and cultural experience as many observers have already confirmed. No special discernment is required to see that the prime motivation for this movie offering is commercial at the expense of watchers who assume there are no other costs but the ticket price. But spiritually, it will cost a Christian everything ... and there are implications for nations.

What does the Bible call witchcraft and are there good ones?

To read more, click here.

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