
Monday, July 18, 2011

Let the Word Invade Your Heart

How might our ministries be transformed if we allowed God, through his Word, to fill us, change us?

As the early morning light filters through the trees in my backyard, I sit on the deck off my kitchen, open Bible and journal on the patio table before me. The birds twitter a praise chorus, a squirrel scrambles from tree to tree, palpable peace invades my soul. The simple pleas of the psalm I'm reading become my own: create in me a clean heart; bless the Lord oh my soul.

I'd like to say that this is how I begin every summer morning. But honesty demands this confession: it doesn't always happen. It's not that I neglect Scripture. I'm in the Word most days. Because like many Christian leaders, I often read God's Word as part of my work: to prepare messages, write articles and books.

To read more, click here.

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