
Friday, July 01, 2011

No going back on women priests in Bermuda

The Bishop of Bermuda has dismissed suggestions his diocese was rethinking its 2009 decision to permit women priests.

Bishop Patrick White told The Church of England Newspaper that speculation over the postponement of the ordination of the island’s first woman deacon was misplaced. Neither the diocese nor I have “changed our minds about women’s ordination. It is in this case about a decision not to ordain this particular woman,” he said.

Elected in 2008, Bishop White had promised to end the ban on women priests in the diocese. Shortly after his election, he told the diocese: “It’s important to extend the ministry to women to have them ordained,” adding that it’s a “priority for me and I hope for other people in the church as well. It is a decision that we will work on together.”

To read more, click here.

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