
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Anglican Papalism

Anglican Papalism is a movement, from schism to unity, with a clear idea of our starting point, and a definite sense of direction. The movement’s antecedents go back to the schism, and its future goes forward to its destiny - full communion with the Roman Apostolic See. It is the expression, in a particular historical and geographical context, of the desire for unity in accordance with the expressed will of Our Lord Jesus Christ [John 17].

The usage - Anglican Papalism - goes back scarcely a century, though what it indicates, namely, efforts to heal the break with Rome, go back to the break itself. Because of widespread misunderstanding of it, it is necessary to be clear about its precise meaning.

To read more, click here.

This article from the Catholic League blog is representative of the propaganda that was produced in the last fews years supporting reunion with Rome and lies behind the recent conversion of Church of England congregations and clergy to Roman Catholicism.

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