
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

St. Matthew's Anglican Church in Abbotsford says farewell, moves to new site

The crowd of about 500 walked silently through the streets of an Abbotsford neighbourhood Sunday afternoon, following religious leaders in flowing robes.

A cross and the Holy Bible were carried at the front of the line.

Most of the neighbours glanced at the solemn crowd and then returned to their lawn-mowing and garden-tending, likely not realizing the significance of the procession.

It was what Rev. Mike Stewart, rector of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, had referred to, in the service that preceded the march, as an "historic occasion."

The event was the culmination of a years-long battle between St. Matthew's – as well as three other Vancouver churches – and the Diocese of New Westminster, stemming from the issue of same-sex blessings.

To read the rest of the article and to view the video, click here.

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