
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stott's death stirs local response

He was soft-spoken Anglican priest who in his later years lived in a two-room apartment above a garage. He had a small cottage in Wales without electricity until 2001, where he did some writing.

So when the Rev. John Stott died Wednesday in Lingfield, England, at the age of 90, the last thing you'd imagine is that Kings County would take notice.

You'd be wrong.

To read more, click here.

Related article: John Stott: "A walking embodiment of the simple beauty of Jesus"


  1. still waiting for the ACNA to put something on their web site. Guess they forgot.

  2. This may not be the right place to ask ...but what do you know about the Anglican Orthodox Church?

  3. David,

    I have limited knowledge of the AOC. If you want to learn what I do know, email me at

  4. by the way this article was so good about JOhn Stott, I put it on my Facebook links.

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Friends who would like to learn more about John Stott may appreciate the newly-published biography of his friend and secretary, the person closest to him for over 50 years. 'John Stott's Right Hand: The untold story of Frances Whitehead' (Piquant) is available from all online retailers. Their story is one which he himself hoped would some day be told. Timothy Dudley-Smith (JRWS's authorized biographer) provided the Introduction, and Chris Wright the Foreword.

    Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Seminary, describes them both as 'fast, exacting and determined.' This book explores their relationship and gives unique insights through Frances's eyes, which would otherwise not have been available. It's a story of providence,and is full of colour. It needed to be preserved. (I write as author.)
