
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Too little too late

As an outsider looking in at the literal tearing down of a place of worship, the St Barnabas Church in Georgetown, I am extremely appalled to say the least. Churches, especially our Catholic and Anglican churches are blessed and consecrated by the local Bishop.

No house of God should ever face the same fate as St Barnabas and be de-consecrated; it’s just not right. But one must ask the question, how did this church get to that dire stage, whereby nothing else could have been done but to sell the building, then have it demolished, erased from the Bourda landscape and indeed the annals of our history? Now, when the damage has been done, outrage and regrets are coming from left, right and centre, especially from the Anglican diaspora; too little, too late I say.

To read more, click here.

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