
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Two Continuing Church Bodies Inch Nearer to Inter-Communion

APA Approves ACA Inter-communion Offer

The Provincial Synod of the Anglican Province of America (APA) has unanimously passed a resolution embracing an inter-communion agreement with the Anglican Church in America (ACA). The General Synod of the Anglican Church in America will vote on this resolution at its meeting in September. The agreement has already been approved by each of the four domestic ACA dioceses.

In part, the resolution stated "That this preliminary document will serve as a catalyst for the eventual reconciliation of our two jurisdictions, that it will encourage other continuing jurisdictions to seek greater unity and that it will bring to fruition the unity of purpose that God clearly intends for his people."

Each church body will recognize the catholicity and independence of each other, will welcome members of each other's bodies to receive the Sacraments, and will recognize the validity of each others' holy orders.

The resolution also states that both church bodies will work toward a closer bond between the two jurisdictions. The resolution clearly stated that "possessing a common heritage and in recognition of our spiritual kinship, we acknowledge that we are members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church."

To read more, click here.

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