
Friday, July 08, 2011

Uruguayan athletes share Gospel in Chile

Lyle and Claren Dease saw their ministry come full circle when 11 young athletes from the church they started in Uruguay went on a mission trip to Chile. The Deases have served in Uruguay for 16 years with the International Mission Board.

The team of young men spent a week in Chile conducting soccer and basketball games to build relationships with Chilean children and university students. At every halftime, one of the Uruguayan volunteers stood and shared his testimony. And after each event, they made themselves available to talk about spiritual matters with those in attendance.

"It's exciting to see young men get excited for missions," Claren Dease said, "to see them ministering and sharing their faith like that."

The volunteers ranged in age from 17 to 24 and included high school and college students, a teacher and a police officer. All of them are part of Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Nuevo Pacto (New Covenant Baptist Church), which the Deases helped start in the rural city of San Jose, Uruguay. Nuevo Pacto is a young congregation of mostly teenagers and young adults. The pastor, German Isnaldi, who also went on the trip, is only 29.

"This was the first time that our church had ever sponsored anything totally 'us,'" Claren Dease said. "[The volunteers] paid all of their flight over."

To read more, click here.

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