
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Whose Legacy Is Your Church Building?

Here on Long Island we have recently endured a radical season change. A pleasant week or so of weathers in the seventies gave way to a few days up near one hundred degrees. While some of the plants in my garden have loved the weather shift, I have not. This season change, along with blog posts from Dave Travis and Skye Jethani have had me thinking about the seasons of the church, and how we often times forget one of the differences between the local church and the church universal.

I often hear people who live in different climates talk about how they wish that they could experience some of the season changes that we get here in the North East. I hear people talk about how they would love to see the leaves change, and experience spring (funny how no one ever wants the blizzards or blazing heat and humidity). I can’t say that I blame them: I greatly enjoy the change from winter to spring, and while I am not all that big of a fan of winter, I do enjoy watching as summer shifts to fall. So how is it that we romanticize the change of the seasons and dread the change of seasons in the life of a church?

To read more, click here.

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