
Friday, August 05, 2011

Evangelicals Should Not Worry Over 'Minority' Status

"The church in the West doesn’t hold the authority that it once did but the church has historically done just as well when it was in a position of weakness, says Richard Tiplady.

Tiplady, principal of International Christian College in Glasgow, had some assuring words for the church as he delivered the final address at the Keswick Convention this week.

Minority status has been the 'norm' for Christians throughout history and remains the case today, he argued.

'It certainly was for Paul and the Christians in the first few centuries – and it didn’t stop the church exploding, not just across the Roman Empire but the Persian Empire as well,' he said.

'By the time the first Celtic missionaries were evangelising England in the sixth and seventh centuries, the church in China was already so large that it had its own archbishop,' he noted.

With that in mind, minority status is not something that worries Tiplady, and he does not want other evangelicals to be worried about it either...." To read more, click here.

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