
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

First-Person: balanced evangelism in churches

"Balance. It's a hard place to arrive in ministry. I think the problem comes, at least in part, because as pastors and leaders we tend to lean toward our passions. Our default is always the easiest place from which to work.

Two defaults in evangelism are missional or attractional methods of evangelism.

The missional approach sends believers into the community to interact with people. Community projects like painting a school or repairing homes in a particular neighborhood are missional approaches. Another example is providing help for people in need through meals or yard work. These acts of kindness open the door for sharing the Gospel.

The attractional approach brings the community to interact with church members. Churches use events like musicals, fall festivals or sports camps. Others may hold revivals or revival type meetings to attract their neighbors. The event becomes a bridge for sharing the Gospel.

Jerry Pipes, an evangelist who specializes in these two areas, once said, "The question of which is better, attractional or missional, is like asking an airline pilot who is over the Pacific Ocean, 'Do you want your left wing or right wing to continue flying?'"

You need both...." To read more, click here.

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