
Monday, August 29, 2011

Free cafe in Seaton inspired by loaves and fishes story

Inside the FREEdom cafe in the Devon seaside town of Seaton is a poster which reads: "Two thousand years ago a friend of mine fed a crowd of people he cared for lunch.

"The loaves and fishes went down a treat. He's doing the same today only its called FREEdom café."

Mary Casey, who started the cafe nearly two years ago, said: "That to me is exactly what sums it up, that's what I am, a Christian trying to live out God's message of love for everyone in today's world."

Mrs Casey runs the community cafe on the third Saturday morning of each month at St Gregory's Church in Seaton.

In a part of the UK not short of tea shops and country pubs, the cafe has a USP - everything on offer is completely free of charge. To read more, click here.

Related article: FREEdom café

To visit the fresh expressions web site, click here.

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