
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Has the Bible been corrupted? A common Muslim objection to Christianity answered

"It is fruitless to try sharing the Gospel with a Muslim who thinks the Bible has been corrupted. Even if he were persuaded to reject the Qur’an, he would never accept the implications of the Bible until he became convinced of its authenticity. Bear in mind a Muslim believes that every word of the Qur’an was written by God and brought to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It is no wonder that Muslims see the Bible, written by over 40 men including a prime minister (Daniel), fishermen (Peter), a doctor (Luke) and prisoners (Jeremiah, Paul) over almost 2000 years as human and fallible by comparison. To compare the Bible with the Qur’an is therefore not to compare like with like. However, as we shall see, it is logically impossible for the Bible to have corrupted...." To read more, click here.

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