
Saturday, August 06, 2011

I Love Jesus More Than Bacon

"Yeah, I know, that should be a T-shirt or a bumper sticker or something. But it was just a simple sentence that came out of my six year old daughter’s mouth last night after I said good night to her at bedtime. Before I turned off the light she turned on the charm and blurted, 'Daddy, I love Jesus more than bacon.' I laughed out loud and said, 'I do too. Good night sweetie.'

But what started out as a kids say the darndest things moment of laughter turned into some deeper thoughts this morning. Sure, I love Jesus more than bacon (and I looooove bacon!) but do I love him more than my little daughter, my son, and my wife? Do I love him more than Dare 2 Share, the ministry he has called me to lead? Do I love him more than my aspirations and dreams to reach the world for Christ?" To read more, click here.

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