
Friday, August 26, 2011

Like God, Be the Good Everyone Needs

Living in a turbulent world, many people wonder if there is a loving and righteous God.

The Anglican Archbishop exhorted Singapore Christians on Thursday, who know the unchanging love of God, to be the answer to their cries.

Citing civil unrest and revolution in the Middle East, media controversy and riots in England, the recent global financial crisis, and the food scandals in China, the Most Reverend Dr. John Chew said: "We are not to practice good or to do good just depending on the environment, depending on the system, depending on the time.

And this is because like in the psalms there are many people crying: Where is God's steadfast love? Where is mercy? Where is righteousness? Where is justice? Where is the compassionate care?

Delivering a sermon titled Using the Grace of Gifts in Love for Common Good at the National Day Thanksgiving Service, Archbishop Chew asked: "Who would reach out?" To read more, click here.

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