
Monday, August 08, 2011

New Bible for Atheists?

Some Say New Book is a 4,000-Year Upgrade of Religion

"A neurologist claims to have created the world's first scientific-based religion by showing that bridging the gap between the brain and mind, and science and religion, can truly inspire, according to the author
University of Hawaii's neuroscientist and philosopher Bruce E. Morton promises a personal transformation for those who read his new book, Neuroreality: A Scientific Religion to Restore Meaning, or How 7 Brain Elements Create 7 Minds and 7 Realities.

Morton says his discovery in the new book is a '4,000 year upgrade of religion based upon a scientific method that clarifies the multiple natures of consciousness and of reality.'

The author claims that his empirical research proves that his ideas will make the reader happy and fulfilled.

However, critics say the author is attempting to create something new for atheists and non-Christians to cling to as some kind of belief system to validate his own research...." To read more, click here.

Perhaps the most accurate meaning of atheism to many people now is the absence or rejection of a belief in God...." To read more, click here.

Related article: The End of Christianity? A Skeptical Review (Part 1)

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