
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pedophilia on the horizon

American society has basically accepted the notion that sexual attraction is determined predominately by biology and that no one chooses to be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Further, society has all but endorsed the belief that individuals can be born the wrong sex, i.e. a man in a woman's body and vice versa.

Once upon a time, the aforementioned behaviors were deemed deviant by a vast majority of Americans. Now these same actions are viewed as legitimate, albeit alternative, lifestyles.

America was not persuaded overnight to accept as normal practices that once were viewed as perverted. It took homosexual activists decades of aggressive propaganda to sway a preponderance of the U.S. populace to change its mind on all things related to sexuality.

If another group of activists has their way, a behavior currently considered by American society to be both vile and criminal will one day join the ranks of homosexuality and trans-sexuality as just another accepted aspect of normal human sexual expression. The behavior in question: pedophilia. To read more, click here.

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