
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Small groups and grace

Some Sydney Anglican churches will measure the health of the church by the percentage of the congregation that are regularly attending bible study groups. The patterns of the groups can vary from church to church and have a range of primary purposes, though the ubiquitous title of “bible study group” indicates the intention of many. One would hope however, that the mere study of the Word is not the end game: rather that there is a goal of transformation and growth of those participating, that they are “are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory”.

Yet relationships within small groups can be fraught. Only this week I was supervising a group leader whose Christian group had had a major blow up during the week and required attention. In Making Small Groups Work, Cloud and Townsend challenge the idea that simply teaching the Bible and allowing God through His word to do the work is not enough, but what is required in groups is a willingness to be open and vulnerable with each other, and to experience a grace filled community.

To read more, click here.

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