
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tilting the plateau

The sad reality is that many churches are on a plateau. That is, they are neither growing nor declining – they just continue. At one level this is wonderful, for a group of Christians are being nurtured in their relationship with the Lord Jesus, as they prepare to be presented perfect on the day that Christ returns (cf Col 1:28). At another level, though, it can represent a lost opportunity to bring the Gospel of Jesus to a community that desperately needs to hear it.

Often, pastors or ministers who find themselves in this kind of situation, have little idea what they can do. Some have tried all kinds of things and are at a loss.

I recently completed reading the book ‘One Size Doesn’t Fit All’ (Gary L. McIntosh), and found the closing chapter had some simple, yet fascinating food for thought. It was a 3 phase approach, which can be summarised in this way.... To read more, click here.

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