
Monday, September 26, 2011

Anglican Church of Southern Africa in Grave Spiritual Danger

I once spent a summer holiday camping on the banks of the Zambezi river, a short distance upstream of the Victoria Falls. It is an awe-inspiring sight as thousands of tons of water cascade over the edge of the falls and thunder into the chasm beneath. A few hundred meters upstream the river is deep and placid, its cool waters enticing to the hot traveler looking for a respite from the intense African sun. Yet the unwary bather is warned by a large sign with red lettering; "DO NOT ENTER THE RIVER BEYOND THIS POINT". A deep rumbling sound and a misty spray in the distance are the only signs that betray the proximity of the cataract. At that point anyone foolish enough to enter the water will be borne downstream by powerful undercurrents, to be carried over the edge of the chasm in a sudden surge, plummeting into the abyss and almost certain death on the rocks below.

In a similar fashion it seems there are in the spiritual lives of individuals and even churches, points of no return. There are invisible boundaries that mark the end of God's patience. Beyond these, God gives us up to our own chosen path. Paul refers to whole cultures which are given over by God ("God gave them up..."; Romans 1:24,26,28), and explains that this is evidence of his judgment. One example is the story of Noah building the ark to escape the coming flood. A terse phrase describes the point at which Noah, after entering the ark with the animals, seals the destiny of those outside: "...and the Lord shut him in...". It is the point of no return. While Noah's destiny of salvation is set, a destiny of judgment for those he lived among is also set. Jesus illustrated the same point in the parable of the ten virgins - those who were ready went with the bridegroom into the marriage feast and the door was shut against those who were not ready.

It also seems to be true that as the point of no return approaches it becomes more and more difficult to stop and change course. The scripture has many stories illustrating this truth - an example being the story of Lot's sojourn in Sodom. Lot was a righteous man who stood out from the wickedness of the culture in which he lived. He even endured persecution for his stand. Yet when the time came for him to leave Sodom, he dithered and had to be forcibly taken by the angels who were sent to rescue him. Although he was a righteous person, there was a very real danger that he would be "swept away in the punishment of the city." (Genesis 19:15). We don't know why he hesitated, but it is not difficult to imagine the ties that bound him to life in the city. Perhaps they were economic - his home and his financial investments, perhaps sentimental - he would be leaving much loved friends. Bonds of affection can be dangerous it seems. To read more, click here.

How ironic that the Anglican Church in North America has based its new ordinal in part upon the 1989 South African Ordinal.

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