
Monday, September 05, 2011

C of I cleric confirms confirms gay partnership

“In what is believed to be the first gay union involving a serving Church of Ireland cleric, the Very Rev Tom Gordon, who is originally from Portadown, yesterday confirmed that he had formalised the relationship under new laws introduced in the Republic earlier this year”, states a report in today’s News Letter
Journalist Sam McBride writes:

The Rev Gordon, who is Dean of Leighlin Cathedral in Co Carlow, said that the ceremony had taken place at a registry office on July 29.

A spokesman for the Churchof Ireland declined to comment in detail, saying that it was a “civil matter”.

It is understood that there was one other case previously, which involved a retired Church of Ireland minister who entered a civil partnership.

The development seems certain to re-ignite the fierce and long-running Anglican debate about homosexuality. To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. The Church of ireland , once a bastion of Protestantism has been diluted by liberals of late. Particularly in the southern dioceses where there has been an influx of liberal Roman Catholics.
