
Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Counterfeit Christian

The first question you ask yourself is this: Is there any such thing as a counterfeit Christian in church and in the world? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said there is, and right there in church. Here is the story He told His disciples:

It is not for me to go round looking for the counterfeit Christians in church but to look inwardly and ask myself: “Am I a counterfeit Christian? Have I truly experienced Christ? Is He alive in me at home, at work and in church? It is not my neighbours that make me a true Christian. They are there to test whether I am really what I profess to be. My life as a Christian is to reveal the life of Christ to my world beginning with the people I live with at home each day from my spouse to the rest of my family and moving outwards to the place where I work and then to the church where I visit less frequently each week.

We must recognize that a lot of good can come from religious observance, without the knowledge of the true God and His Christ. Take the life journey of a fake currency. A fake $500 note may be used to buy bread to feed the hungry. The bread seller may then pass it to the rice seller and then to the meat seller and after a journey of twelve years it would finally arrive at the bank to be lodged by a car dealer. Then the bank subjects it to scrutiny and detects that it is a fake currency. Now the fact that it was and had always been a fake currency did not stop it from doing some good along the way. It might even have visited churches and done some good there too. But all that good could not change the fact that it is a fake currency posing to be what it is not. This is why supposed Christians could go far but never far enough to prove the reality of Christ. Only the grace of God in Christ Jesus driven by the Spirit of God can empower us to stand up to the pressures of compromise with evil. Counterfeit Christians may be hard to detect in church. We say here in Nigeria that every toad is squatting so it is difficult to say the one that has diarrhoea. In church we all put on our very best behaviours and try to say the nicest things to the most difficult people. At work, we lose some of the constraints of church. At home where we may be king and queen, we tend to lose even more restraint. How often do very nice people at church and at work turn monsters at home? How often do very nice people at church turn monsters at work? Monsters are generally uncommon in church but not altogether rare. To read more, click here.

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