
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do You See What I See?

What to do when people don’t share your vision

My favorite Christmas song growing up was “Do You Hear What I Hear?” With each verse, the anticipation grows: Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see? Do you know what I know? Listen to what I say! The person singing longs for someone with whom to share the joy of Christ’s birth.

As leaders, we find tremendous joy in sharing ministry with others. Ministry around a common vision or goal not only unites teams but also brings energy and enthusiasm. When we suggest a new Bible study and everyone on our team agrees to try it, we feel excited and successful. When we create a piece of art that someone decides to use as a part of their ministry program, we feel affirmed and useful.

But what happens when we’re the odd one out? What happens if, as leaders, no one catches our vision? What if we share our ideas and our team responds with apathy or silence? Inside we’re asking, do you see what I see? To read more, click here.

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