
Friday, September 23, 2011

Global South Primates: 'Anglican Communion no longer has ecclesial or moral authority.'

The Global South Primates have released a Communiqué following their visit to China in September (2011). In the statement (point 13) they say that the Anglican Communion’s Instruments of Unity have become dysfunctional and no longer have the ecclesial and moral authority to hold the Communion together.

Extracts of Communiqué:

11. In our reflections, we found that our Anglican Communion has also undergone a tremendous transformation in recent decades. Today, the majority of Anglicans are found no longer in the west, but in churches in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are firmly committed to our historic faith and order.

12. At the same time, it grieves us deeply to observe many Anglican churches in the west yielding to secular pressure to allow unacceptable practices in the name of human rights and equality. Beginning with the undermining of Scriptural authority and two millennia of church tradition, the erosion of orthodoxy has gone as far as the ordination and consecration of active gay and lesbian clergy and bishops, and the development of liturgies for same-sex marriage. To read more, click here.

Related article: Canterbury's International Agenda in Tatters

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