
Thursday, September 15, 2011

God Is Lost in Popular Beauty; Will 'Toddlers and Tiaras' Be Canceled?

Advocacy Group Demands Cancellation of Reality Show

Wholesome images of a four-year-old swinging on a playground seem to be a thing of the past since self-proclaimed tiny divas started showcasing padded bras, painted-on tans, and fake teeth inserts, while grinding in sexually aggressive manners dressed all-too-provocatively in lace mini-tops and hot pants.

TLC’s hit reality television show, "Toddlers and Tiaras," has sparked public protests and debates about the sexualizing of little girls, pushy mothers, the exploitation of children, misguided parenting and even allegations of abuse.

The Parents Television Council, which is the advocacy group that promotes wholesome family values through media, has called for the immediate cancellation of the show this week.

The group says, in what was likely a misguided effort to pump up publicity, network executives released footage of a three-year-old contestant dressed as Julia Roberts, who played a prostitute character in the 1990 film Pretty Woman.

The child’s mother dressed her up in thigh-high boots, a blonde bobbed wig, and white and blue tank dress with a bare midriff.

“Such brazen material should qualify as child abuse,” the advocacy group writes, in its letter to the network. To read more, click here.

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