
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

NEW ZEALAND: Auckland synod sees no bar to ordination of gays, lesbians in committed relationships

The Auckland Diocesan Synod in New Zealand has decided that people in same-sex relationships should not be excluded from ordination.

After a debate lasting much of Sept. 3, synod agreed that sexual orientation should not be an impediment to ordination or any other offices in the church.

The debate included a range of viewpoints, including a plea that the motion was about justice and ethics, while those opposed citied biblical authority.

Some parishes reported that if the motion passed, some members would leave. Others said parishioners were already leaving because they perceived that gay and lesbian people were not acceptable.

Synod heard a call for more time to talk and study the issues, but others said they had been doing so for many years.

Voting for all five parts of the motion was done by secret ballot across houses, and all five parts passed with strong majorities. To read more, click here.

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