
Monday, September 26, 2011

NH town's skepticism grows in Celina Cass case

In the small New Hampshire town where a missing 11-year-old girl's body was found two months ago, time has stoked more than intrigue and uneasiness. Cynicism and suspicion are setting in.

The state attorney general's office this week declared Celina Cass' death a homicide but did not reveal how she was killed. The declaration of homicide came as no surprise to residents.

"I think everybody knew that for weeks," schools Superintendent Robert Mills said Friday. The mood in town is one of "eager anticipation" that someone will be brought to justice so the healing can begin.

But even that hope is fading. To read more, click here.

Related article: Medical examiner: Celina Cass was murdered

I had hoped more details regarding the cause and circumstances of Celina Cass' death would be forthcoming. This information would be helpful to parents, churches, and communities working in concert to develop child safe environments.

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