
Friday, September 23, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: Accusations of sexual abuse bound to have wide ramifications

In 2008, Archbishop John Hepworth, the global primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion, presented the Catholic archdiocese of Adelaide with a ticking time bomb.

He made allegations to its Archbishop, Philip Wilson, and his vicar general, David Cappo, that Ian Dempsey, the former vicar general, had raped him.

Dealing with former vicars general is often difficult for incoming archbishops. They're usually closely identified with the policies and churchmanship of the previous reign. They tend to have old boys' networks to do their bidding and can easily become competing sources of local authority. They're also apt to know where the bodies are buried. To read more, click here.

Related story: Adelaide priest accused of raping Archbishop John Hepworth given right to reply in Senate

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