
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Put newcomers on the roster

Six months ago I changed churches. I loved my former church, but my wife and I decided it was best for us to join the church in the local ‘village’ in which we had bought our home.

When we first turned up, we decided that the best thing would be for us to initially sit back and soak in the vibe.

About a month or so ago, I could no longer hold myself back. I turned up to church with my guitar, and offered to slot into the church band. Ever since, I’ve played music most weeks, and now have led the songs on a few occasions.

For me, it was only when I started serving that I started belonging. To read more, click here.

Helping newcomers to form relationships in your church and to find a niche is critical to their assimilation. At the Journey Church we encourage newcomers to become involved in one of our ministry teams and to join one of the small groups. There they have an opportunity to meet people and make friends and to find a niche for themselves as well as move from seeker to believer to a full-devoted disciple of Jesus Christ.

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