
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

South African Church Denies Charges of Heresy

There has been no change to the Anglican Church of Southern Africa’s (ACSA) teaching on human sexuality, a press release from the Provincial Executive Office has confirmed.

The announcement confirming the Southern African church’s fealty to traditional moral teachings comes shortly before the bishops and provincial standing committee debate pastoral guidelines for Anglicans in civil gay marriages—and as the Church comes under attack for heresy.

“ACSA remains committed to upholding the moratoria of the Anglican Communion on the ordination of persons living in a same gender unions to the episcopate; the blessing of same-sex unions; and cross-border incursions by bishops. Similarly, our Church has affirmed that partnership between two persons of the same sex cannot be regarded as a marriage in the eyes of God. Accordingly, our clergy are not permitted to conduct or bless such unions; nor are they permitted to enter into such unions while they remain in licensed ministry,” the 5 September statement said.

The clarification of the Church’s stance on gay bishops and blessings came in response to an “Anathema” pronounced against by the Church by the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, which accused South African Anglicans of heresy. To read more, click here.

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