
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Use of the Term "Priest" in the Prayer Book - Church Association Tract 232

It is sometimes carelessly alleged that the essential meaning of the word “priest” is “one who offers sacrifice.” That, however, is contrary to fact. Any good dictionary taken at random will dissipate this fable. The idea of sacrifice was not involved in the etymology of the word, and the later association of “priest “ with sacrifice sprang out of the accidental union in the same person of two separate offices.

It is matter for regret that the translators of the Old Testament used the word “priest,” to render the Hebrew “cohen.” To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Linguists tell us that once a good word has taken on a profane meaning it is difficult to retrieve the original meaning again. This seems to be the case with the word "priest". An improper meaning has been attached it it and it is not likely to be changed. Of course either presbyter, elder, or teacher would probably solve the problem. "Master" would not because it has also taken on the meaning of "slave holder" or "animal owner". Though there are those who still understand the word as meaning essentially "teacher". But, it would still be politically incorrect among a large swath of people in the USA.
