
Monday, September 19, 2011

Virtual Community

Do I need to go to church since I can find fellowship online?

Q. Do I need to go to church since I can find fellowship online?

A. What a great question! I've often wondered what the apostle Paul would think of our Internet-driven world populated by blogs, chat rooms, and instant messaging. Imagine his letters to the various New Testament churches. Instead of the "letter to the church at Ephesus," he might have written "the multiple e-mails to the church at Ephesus." And rather than wait to address a problem when he was able to visit, Paul could have sent an instant message.

There are some tremendous advantages to the way the Internet has expanded our communication abilities. It's given us relational access to people with whom we never would have crossed paths otherwise. In Paul's day, it's likely Christ-followers from Ephesus never spoke to any of the Christ-followers from Philippi. Today that connection is just a click away. Christians all over the world now can encourage and learn from each other.

But, getting back to your question, it's important to note Christian fellowship and church services are two very different things. To read more, click here.

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