
Monday, October 10, 2011

4 Ways: Re-connect Hurt & Disconnected in Your Church

One of the most important roles of the church is that God designed it to grow its members up: “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Ephesians 4:16). For this to happen, people must learn to trust each other deeply, and the pastor’s relationships and direction are a large part of this.

However, lots of individuals you will encounter will be carrying some sort of relational baggage. They will have a difficult family of origin experience, a business relationship struggle, or a messy divorce, for example. And, with the pain of those tough times in the background, they will have trust issues, and be hesitant to connect deeply with others.

They may have had to set limits, boundaries or even withdraw from a toxic relationship. However, they often don’t know how to re-engage with the right people back into their lives. This can lead to isolation, depression, disconnections within the church membership, leadership problems and a host of other issues.

When you encounter people who have withdrawn and have not reconnected, there are several critical things you can do to help them re-enter relational life. You can make significant improvements and progress with them. Here are a few....To read more, click here.

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