
Monday, October 24, 2011

Anglicans Ablaze: The Story Behind the Name

I recently discovered that my spam filter sometimes treats legitimate comments to articles as if they are spam. Consequently these comments do not appear in the comment thread following a particular article. With one exception I have identified those comments that are not spam and they now appear in the appropriate comment thread.

I generally do not remove readers’ comments except when they take the form of a personal attack upon another reader or myself, they are spam, or they are otherwise inappropriate. I do delete multiple repetitions of the same post.

In one of the comments the reader who left it criticized the name that I had chosen for this web journal. He understood “Anglicans Ablaze” to be a reference to the conflicts and divisions in the Anglican family of churches. I do not think that it is too late to draw to his attention and to the attention of other Anglicans Ablaze readers that the choice of the particular name “Anglicans Ablaze” has nothing to do with these conflicts and divisions. Rather it is a reference to what is happening in many Anglican churches around the world, particularly in the global South. In these churches may be found Anglicans who are truly ablaze—on fire for the gospel.

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