
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween: Best Evangelistic Time of the Year?

The Christian community is divided over how to approach Halloween, some saying it is a pagan holiday Christians should avoid while others argue that there is no better time for ministry. Many of those who want to take advantage of the opportunity will use Gospel tracts, or pamphlets explaining the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, as a means of reaching a high volume of people. But what are the advantages of ministering through Halloween-themed tracts, and is there a right, or wrong way, to go about distributing them?

According to the Light Up The Night page of the American Tract Society's website, it is estimated that between 80 and 90 percent of children trick-or-treat each year, giving Christians the opportunity to potentially witness to hundreds of children from the comfort of their own doorstep.

“Normally attracting this many people to an evangelistic event would take weeks of planning and be very costly, but at Halloween it is as simple as a flick of the lightswitch,” says one article on the website. “Put simply, leaving your light on could possibly be most effective evangelistic effort you could make all year.” To read more, click here.

Related article: To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate? Halloween Sparks Debate, Controversy for Some Christians

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