
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Multi-Site Churches Are from the Devil

Okay, that title is homage to James MacDonald, who says congregationalism is from Satan and whom I had the privilege of spending a couple days with at the recent 9marks @ Southeastern Conference. During the Baptist21 Panel, our moderator stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest by asking me what I thought about multi-site churches. Why me? I thought. Mark Dever is sitting right there. He loves talking about this stuff. Aww… man. Ask me about basketball.

So, after I finished my pity party, I answered my brother’s question, stated something like: “Thabiti, what arguments for multi-site have you found persuasive?” My articulate response: “Uh, none.”

Okay, this should be the end of the post. But because I’m in the Miami airport and the people-watching has become a bit weird, I think I’d rather invite you all to my misery and discovery. To read more, click here.

For a contrasting view of multi-site churches, "Failing Churches Find New Life as Outposts for Megachurches," click here.

For the December 2009 USA Today article, "Multi-site churches mean pastors reach thousands," click here.

For the March 2010 Church Executive article, "Misplaced perceptions of multi-site ministry, click here.

For another viewpoint, "Are Multi-site Churches Biblical?" click here.

As you can see, there is a debate going on about multi-site churches.

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