
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

'Multiply' Video Series: How Church Numbers Grow in Muslim World

A global church-planting group portrays the challenge of sharing the Gospel in predominantly Muslim Indonesia in its first video of a series called, Multiply, released this week.

Pioneers, an evangelical missions movement with 2,400 members, is producing the online video series with the hopes of telling the story of how native and missionary Christians in Muslim countries are able to help increase the number of churches in a primarily hostile environment.

Multiply Indonesia is available for free viewing on the group's website. Pioneers begins production of it's next video about church planting in the African country of Chad while on location next week.

In Multiply Indonesia, viewers learn how churches exist in homes instead of church buildings because of the need for secrecy. Pioneers asks, “Imagine if following Jesus cost you your home, your family, your job, your life. What would it take to reach you with the gospel?”

The Pioneers video explores these questions from the perspective of church planters serving in the Muslim world.

"The house churches we're planting are simple, not liturgical," said Michael [not his real name], an actor that portrays a church-planter in the video. "We praise God, we pray, we share testimonies. We read one story from the Bible and repeat it together." To read more, click here.

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