
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Online Witch School Claims Wicca Fastest Growing Religion

An online witch school recently launched a public relations campaign declaring a shortage of teachers it claims comes as the result of Wicca becoming the fastest growing religion in America.

Witch School International, Inc. said in a press release that “America is on the brink of awakening and discovering its inner magic, and this is changing belief systems around the world as well. How this change occurs depends on what people believe, and more people than ever are looking at Paganism and Wicca.”

The schools co-founder, Ed Hubbard, is quoted as saying, “There is such a rapid spiritual reorientation in America occurring, that the need for thousands of Wiccan teachers over the course of the next decade will be required to meet the demand for basic teachings.”

While Witch School claims that religious experts say Wicca will become the third largest religion in the United States “early in the 21st century, behind only Christianity and Islam,” it is generally only agreed upon that the belief system is rapidly growing.

Wicca has been categorized as a loosely organized, under-the-radar religious group that is best known for its use of magic, sorcery, and engagement in witchcraft. The Christian Post previously reported that Wicca has no recognized guidebook or single book of “sacred literature” to define its practices.

According to, Wicca is a "neo-pagan, earth-centered religion that has its modern origins in the teaching and practice of the original English Wiccan, Gerald Gardner (1884-1964)." To read more, click here.

Related article: Wicca is America's fastest growing religion, says Witch School

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