
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reach the hardcore unchurched

Perhaps you’ve encountered a response to the Gospel similar to this one: “You Christians are so hypocritical! You have a fairy-tale belief system. You look down on everyone else. And most of you look like you are from the ‘Twilight Zone.’”

For many Christians, these words and this attitude represent the majority of unchurched America. But it just isn’t so. In fact, in our research we found that only five percent of unchurched America would be this hostile: highly resistant to the Gospel; antagonistic toward Christians, and belligerent in their conversations with and about Christians.

But unchurched America, by our estimates, account for 160 million adults. So the “hardcore” unchurched would total eight million people, or five percent of the total. That’s not a small number, nor is it a number we should ignore. To read more, click here.

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