
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Religion Today: Church receives 'gift from God'

St. Edward the Confessor Episcopal Church, dedicated to an important English king, was founded in San Jose's Cambrian Park neighborhood in 1956. Through the years it prospered, adding buildings to its campus and establishing an endowment through sale of an adjacent orchard for the construction of Highway 85.

In 2009, however, the majority of the congregation and its priest, the Rev. Ed McNeil, became unable to support the progressive views of the Diocese of El Camino Real and the national church.

They moved from the property on Union Avenue, formed St. James Anglican Church, and affiliated with other separated parishes. St. James, however, avoided lengthy legal battles, leaving buildings, trust funds and other assets behind. The remaining members of St. Edward's are continuing ministry under a new priest.

St. James, now building-less, rented space for worship at community centers in San Jose and Saratoga. They were resigned to spending years as a "portable church." To read more, click here.

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