
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Seven Signs of Hope for American Churches in 2011

The First Three Signs

The critics are relentless. American churches are in trouble. Biblical preaching and teaching are shallow and superficial. Conversion rates are down. Local churches have become self-centered instead of outwardly focused. Indeed the critics are right. I have been among those self-declared pundits who have found numerous faults with churches across America, and I have not been shy to write and speak about them.

While the problems are real, many people like me have magnified them. As a consequence, church leaders are often left demoralized and with little hope. The fact of the matter is that Christ’s Church has survived 2,000 years of turmoil, heresy, shallowness, and rigid institutionalism. And Christ’s Church will not be defeated. Perhaps it’s time to offer a message of His hope. To read more, click here.

Four More Signs
In my previous blog post, I noted that many so-called experts on churches in America, including me, have bemoaned the state of most local churches across our land. Indeed, almost any subjective or objective measure demonstrates the dismal condition of our churches.

While not desiring to put my head in the sand (metaphorically speaking), I want to continue looking at some reasons for optimism and hope. In the midst of many problems, there is clear evidence of God’s blessings. To read more, click here.

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