
Friday, October 07, 2011

Somebody's got it harder than you do

Checked my retirement fund the other day. Nearly choked. Guess I'll be working a little longer than I had anticipated -- like, forever.

I'm not complaining, though. I've still got a job. I know plenty of people who've lost their jobs and their homes, who can't find work anywhere, who wonder how long they'll be able to provide for their families. You know some, too, I'm sure. You might be one of them.

The great economic recovery-that-wasn't seems to be settling in for the long haul. Maybe years. It's global in scale, and even a coordinated international response -- which world leaders seem to be stumbling toward in agonizingly slow motion -- will take time to produce results.

One thing is for sure: No matter how bad you've got it, somebody else has it worse. While many struggle to pay bills, others are fighting to stave off hunger. In places where hunger was already a daily reality, the ongoing global economic crisis has made survival even more tenuous. To read more, click here.

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